Palmerston Regional Hospital

Royal Darwin Hospital
& Palmerston Regional Hospital

Royal Darwin Hospital & Palmerston Regional Hospital

The Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) is a leading healthcare institution in Darwin, Northern Territory, dedicated to providing comprehensive medical services to diverse communities. Positioned in a tropical setting, RDH offers a wide range of services, including emergency care, general medicine, surgery, paediatrics, orthopaedics, palliative care, medical imaging, pharmacy, dialysis. and specialised care for the unique health challenges of the region. It is the Top Ends primary allocation centre for prevocational doctors.

As a teaching hospital, RDH actively contributes to medical education and training, collaborating with universities and specialist colleges to achieve career outcomes. The hospital embraces a multicultural approach, prioritising culturally sensitive care. RDH plays a crucial role in addressing healthcare needs in rural and remote areas and is a hub for medical innovation, research, and community engagement, reflecting its commitment to excellence and community well-being.

Top End Mental Health Services offers a range of therapeutic services and interventions that focus on providing a recovery approach model of care. Services include assessment, treatment and clinical interventions within a case management model to patients of all ages.

Royal Darwin Hospital provides both vocational (ACRRM/RACGP) and prevocational rural trainees opportunities to work in an acute health environment. There are no JFPDP funded prevocational rural trainee placements currently at Royal Darwin Hospital.

Palmerston Regional Hospital is committed to providing comprehensive medical services to the greater Darwin community. The hospital boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a wide range of medical services, including emergency care, general medicine, surgery, and maternal and child health.

Palmerston Regional Hospital provides both vocational (ACRRM/RACGP) and prevocational rural trainees opportunities to work in an acute health environment. There are no JFPDP funded prevocational rural trainee placements currently at Palmerston Regional Hospital.